
I originally published this video on my YouTube channel on August 19th and then on my other Substack, Astrology Journal, on August 23, 2024.

Running is my other passion in life. For years, I couldn’t do it. But now, my health has reached a point where I can start building fitness, slowly, one step at a time, mindfully.

I have decided to chronicle my efforts. Here’s what I’ll be sharing:

  • experiences with illness and healing

  • insights on the path, past and present

  • what I’m currently doing

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What’s in this Video

The First Half

In the first half of this video, I talk about my journey up to this point and where I am now.

The Second Half

In the second half, I share a soleus stretching progression that I’ve begun doing.

The Soleus Muscle

The soleus muscle - the other major calf muscle - is not only an important muscle for running, it is also an extremely important muscle for the health of the body, acting as the second heart. While our hearts pump arterial blood to the rest of the body, the soleus muscles pump the blood back up through our veins. Strong, pliable, healthy soleus muscles are thus essential for maintaining good health.

Although I don’t mention it in the video, while strength is super important, it is very difficult to build strength on chronically tight calves. I know because I tried and couldn’t do it. For this reason, I am prioritizing restoring length and flexibility to my soleus muscles before building strength. This approach is one of many. Which approach is best for you depends on your unique circumstances.

One More Thing

To clarify my intentions with this Substack and to ensure that you know I can’t offer you advice, I need to include this disclaimer. Here it is:


What I share in my videos and other posts about my personal journey, choices, and insights is not meant to constitute advice. Each person is unique and what is right for you will depend on your specific situation, so please use your best judgment if you decide to try anything I share. As needed, also consult with qualified people - doctors, physical therapists, running and fitness coaches, nutritionists, etc - who can work with you directly to help you reach your goals given your specific circumstances.